Friday, August 11, 2006

It's been a hectic three days without a moment to spare. Plans are well in motion for the CUSO Mama Justa forum a the end of the month, and thanks to Traci's guiding hand, my job as first rep for CUSO on the MCIC is not nearly as intimidating as it sounds. I couldn't be having more fun. Zack was kind enough to forward me a job advertisement for the Institute for this term, and if I didn't already have my plans set in motion to go to Rwanda, I would be VERY tempted! It seems that I am being blessed with all these wonderful opportunities at once.

Going to the travel clinic on Wednesday was the best experience I could have ever hoped for in terms of getting vaccinated. Practically painless! (although I'm not sure that Joe would agree). I'm thinking my supposed egg "intollerance" didn't quite mix well with the egg-based Yellow Fever vaccine though. As soon as she injected it, I felt light-headed. I would highly recommend going to a travel clinic prior to any international travel. They were very conscientious and were so concerned about my dizziness that I stayed at the clinic for half an hour after the injections, was given two yogurt granola bars, and watched a great video on the do's and don'ts for international travellers. They also have a medical travel kit that you can take with you so that if you do run into medical problems, you don't have to rely on the needles and medical equipment of the local clinic. The kit itself is 20 dollars and although the nurse didn't think it was necessary, I'm still thinking it would be a wise idea to take two. Even if I didn't use it, I'm sure it could be put to good use in Rwanda. I held off on purchasing it until I return to give me time to decide how prudent the purchase would be. Suggestions anyone?

I received the exciting news on Tuesday that I will be helping to facilitate a Child Soldiers conference in Winnipeg prior at the end of August. After being in touch with the Search for Common Ground organizers, I was able to let them know about the African Canadian Cultural Heritage fundraiser that is nicely coinciding with the conference. Hopefully, we will be able to maximize the number of people who actually get the privilege of hearing Romeo Dallaire speak at the fundraiser. Somehow, I'm going to find time to get the word out on Romeo Dallaire's talk, contact the people for the Mama Justa event (which is coincidentally happening in the same week at the conference and fundraiser!) and continue my fundraising efforts for Never Again International. Speaking of Never Again, I met with someone yesterday who was interested in learning more of the organization, so we're already starting to find a place here in Canada. With the help of Will, I'm confident that we will have a thriving NA chapter soon.

Still trying to figure out the best route for the trip and was talking with two different travel agents yesterday to try and price the various options. I want to find out the logistics of using some of my air miles to get me part of the way, but whether it's possible to coordinate using those with paying for another leg of the trip from Europe is another question altogether. I wonder if the people who plotted the terrorism which was just uncovered considered that there are people who are wanting to actively help alleviate the poverty and strife that is running rampant in the world. How do we get out of our little bubble here in the West and make everyone aware of the hardships of so very many people in the world when people employ such tactics? I know that everyone has a different way of expressing their beliefs but I cannot ever comprehend the logic of complaining about Western ambivilance and simultaneously trying to obstruct people who want to help people all over the world, especially those suffering in developing countries.

Smartie is here wondering why I am ignoring her and probably also questioning why I am awake at 4:30 in the morning so I should probably take the hint and hop into today's work!


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